Coding yourself out of a job

Ken Greeff
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2019


It goes against your basic instinct to protect your skills so that you never lose your value to the company that employs you (especially since the robots are coming to take our jerbs!)

In reality, there is no better feeling than building systems that entirely replace you. It gives you a sense of freedom and achievement that is hard to beat and allows you to focus on the next big thing.

In the past our dev team would need to build all of our digital themes/templates from scratch. This would take 1–2 weeks depending on the complexity of the template. Once we had a number of templates for various brands we refactored them to remove common logic but this still didn’t feel like the way forward. We needed to be faster, so that our customers always have the best possible experience.

We all create bugs or get small things wrong and it really isn’t a great experience for the customer to have to wait for the support ticket to be escalated to dev, queued in the backlog, fixed and then deployed up to a week later. We wanted to be able to fix these issues instantly, just like everything else we do.

After one of our daily chats we came up with a crazy idea to create a digital template builder that would allow anyone without any previous coding experience to build templates leaving the dev team completely out of the loop.

A couple of weeks later we finally released our first iteration.

The Realhub Digital Template Builder

The builder allows any member of our team to create digital pages from scratch in a couple of hours which are instantly available in production.

You can see an example of a digital proposal here:

At Realhub we are always looking for ways to code ourselves out of jobs and we feel that should should too!

If you want to work on projects like this please reach out as we are constantly growing and looking for new members in our team across all departments.

